October 2015
Impact has a lot of new employees. You can find more information about them on this website, under the category ‘people – daily team’.
Impact has a lot of new employees. You can find more information about them on this website, under the category ‘people – daily team’.
After the summer we will put full energy in another new project: studying the dossiers of 800 young adults who (almost) were sentenced to a “behavior affecting measure”.
Impact launched a new project: the planning, process and effect evaluation of the training “Choose for Change” for detainees.
Impact is the moderator at “diners pensants” for the Dutch Secretary of Security and Justice, Mr. Teeven. Guests are judges, prosecutors, representatives of Dutch Child Wellfare and the NIFP.
Impact develops innovative ‘e-supervision’ for delinquent youth. More info? Then click here for the flyer.
After four happy working years at Prins Hendrikkade 120, Impact will be moving halfway march! To the end of the street, that is: At Prins Hendrikkade 193 a beautifull new office awaits us.
As part of the project on young offenders, Janine Plaisier and Mayke Mol held a presentation for psychologists and psychiatrists of the NIFP.
On november 26th Mayke and Vera attended the symposium ‘Effective behavioral interventions, let’s see what really works’ of the Dutch Accreditation Committee for Behavioral Interventions. Among the speakers was Jim Bonta, reknowned researcher in the area of behavioral change in offenders, and a member of Impacts knowledge network. Mayke and Vera accompanied Jim to The Hague, where Fergus McNeill, Ruth Mann and Friedrich Lösel also spoke. Secretary of State, Mr. Fred Teeven of Safety and Justice opened the symposium.
Together with Noterik BV, Impact develops a system for tailored and innovative e-supervision for juvenile offenders.
Impact is invited to a dinner meeting with Minister Opstelten and State Secretary Teeven of Security and Justice.
As part of Impacts participation in the EU COST project on probation supervision, Janine visited the COST Action Conference 2013 in Liverpool. Additionally, she met with Meg Blumson (see photo) who is part of Impacts international knowledge network.
Impacts new website goes online.
This site was designed and built by Anton Feddema and Hermien Woudstra.
In collaboration with Noterik BV Impact works on an innovative project on the behaviour of juvenile and adult offenders.
Prof. Dr. Bertjan Doosje, member of Impact’s international network, was appointed professor radicalization studies for the FORUM Frank Buijs pulpit at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Impact congratulates him!
This year Impact’s knowledge network does not meet, but Janine Plaisier will visit all members. She recently joined dr. Frank van Gemert to his lecture on writing biographies about criminals. She also joined prof.dr. Alfred Lange on a meeting on emergency care for an audience of psychiatrists .
Mark van der Giessen BSc, Vera Hoetjes BSc and dr. Daphne Wiersema are welcomed as new colleagues.
Mayke Mol, almost graduated as a clinical developmental psychologist, is a new member of Impacts daily team.